Monday, January 16, 2006

Wind Turbine

This blog has been put together to cover the trials and tribulations of building your own "home" wind turbine.
In fact it is more an exercise in demonstrating what not to do and then learning from those experiences.
I am reminded of Thomas Edison and his inventing the light bulb. He failed hundreds of times trying different techniques until finally hitting on the right one.
Picture: Wind Turbine MK1
on my garage roof
Hopefully you will read this blog and learn from my (many) mistakes.

The Project

My initial intention was to build a small, quiet, low cost wind turbine that would generate about 500W and simply drive my refrigerator via some old batteries and an inverter. I did not expect it to drive the fridge all of the time so when the batteries were low it would simply revert to normal AC grid power via a simple relay circuit.

So basically a project that was not too ambitious. How wrong I was.

I didn't want to go to the hassle of building my own blades to I found some suitable ones on the web

I then found on ebay some 25mm x 5mm Neodymium magnets, and as metal rotors decided on circular saw blades as they were cheap and balanced. I got the steel for the support frame from a machine shop cut to size, drilled the holes and had it welded together. Then some bearings and a shaft were added and it was set to go.

The coil assembly was put together (see seperate post on how this is done) and then it was put up on the garage roof (see photo above) and then waited for some wind. 4 x 50watt 12V downlights in a series parallel configeration were attached to the rectifier as a load.

The unit. 16 25mm x 5mm Neo magnets 8 on each side. 10 coils in 5 phase config with two coils per phase.

RESULTS Mk1: The unit did make the 4 x 50w globes glow very brightly but only at VERY high rotational speed ie 20 + KPH wind. This was probably the max output this unit could produce and at the wind speed required was totally unsuitable.

Back to the drawing board.

To make a long story short, there was a MK2 version that was also a dud. With MK2 I went totally overboard. Much bigger magnets, more coils in fact more everything.

DESIGN TIP: The blades can only deliver so much torque. Design your turbine with this in mind as the blades will not even rotate if you over engineer the turbine.

The main problem with MK2 was that with the bigger magnets and the same diameter coils it contravened Flemings Left Hand rule. Yes, we all did it at school, trying to contort our fingers to understand current (electric) direction in a coil when exposed to a magnetic field. Suffice it to say that if the magnets diameter is larger than the hole in the coil, the the currents oppose each other and your turbine will not rotate.

DESIGN TIP: Always make the hole in the centre of the coils the same size or slightly larger then the diameter of the magnet. This applies to square/rectangle magnets also.


It was put together using the magnetic assemblies of MK2 and a new stator design that obeyed Flemings left hand rule.


Parts used:

Hub from the rear of a Toyota Corolla $10.00

Two laser cut circular discs to carry the magnets. 242mm x 5mm $95.00

DESIGN TIP: Don't skimp on the thickness of the rotors. The magnets use this thickness in a feedback loop increasing the effective magnetic strength.

16 Neodymium magnets on each disk. 30mm x 10mm. Total 32 magnets $150.00

8 Plastic Composite blades $200.00 from:

Mounting bracket custom designed from a local machine shop. 1 slab (beer)


THE COILS. The coils on the left were those used in the final design. Five coils was not the ideal number (more would be better) but as I had put together the magnet assembly for MK2 and it was too hard to remove the magnets without damaging them a compromise of less coils was used. This compromise was reached after extensive testing on a bench jig driven by an electric drill. A better design would be less magnets and more coils.
MK2 COIL ASSEMBLY. This was the failed MK2 design. You can see it has 12 coils. Unfortunately the internal diameter of the coils was 25mm and the magnets had a 30mm diameter causing problems with Flemings left hand rule.
Even if the coils had had the correct (wider) inside diameter it would have required much larger blades to provide the torque that this deisign would need to obtain the optimum power output. Note the wiring. Three phase with 3 coils per phase.
OUTER ROTOR WITH MAGNETS. The outer rotor was designed to support the magnets AND the blades. The tabs protruding are there for the blades to attach to. The inner rotor is identical but without the tabs. The large centre hole is there to fit onto the Toyota Corolla hub. The magnets were were initailly attached with super glue to give a quick bond and then Araldite was used to lock them in. Note: A later change made it clear that Arildite alone will do the job. The attraction of the magnets to the metal rotor will keep them in place ie they will not be sucked off when placed close to the other rotor. The Arildite simply holds them in place.
The magnet spacing is crucial here. In this constuction each coil is 50mm outside diameter, 30mm centre with 10mm for each coil half. The gap between the magnets MUST be 10mm. Any less (or more) and you will have one magnet entering the coil before the other magnet has left. They would then fight each other. One pushing current clockwise while the other counterclockwise. See coil construction in next post.
THE TOYOTA COROLLA REAR HUB. This was used as it was found cheap at a wreckers. The bearings were removed using a press, the assembly cleaned and reassembled with low friction grease and not fully tightened to give it a freer rotation. Undercoat and powder blue paint finished it off.
This line added to sort photo spacing out.
And another.
SUPPORT ASSEMBLY. This was welded together by a machine shop for a slab (beer). It has a pipe that will slide onto the mast of the turbine, a stopper ring welded internally at the top, a plate at the front to support the turbine assembly and two small brackets at the rear to support the tail assembly.
Note the hole at the top. This is to allow the positive cable to go down the centre of the pole.

PARTIAL ASSEMBLY. A circular piece of marine ply (to keep the weight down) was bolted to the support assembly. The bolts basically wedged the ply in place as a sort of a spacer by bolting the plate on the support assembly to the Carrola hub. Hidden from view is the inner magnet rotor. On the outer edge, stainless steel (not normal steal as they would be magnetic) rods connect the coil assembly to the ply. In this way the the magnet rotors can rotate and the coils (now embedded in resin) remain stationary.
A BETTER PICTURE OF ASSEMBLY. Here you can clearly see the support assembly at the top, the marine ply, the Carolla hub and the inner rotor with magents. The coil assembly is also shown connected to the ply by 5 stainless steel rods. These rods need to be securely attached to the ply as they will have to provide the rotational resistance to the rotating magnets. Note also at the top, attached to the support assembly, the bridge rectifiers. The blue coil wires will connect to these to convert AC to DC current. A star wiring of the coils was used. This means all the centres of the coils are connected together (within the resin) and each outside connection of each coil goes to the bridge rectifiers. 3 rectifiers are required with one spare input.
OUTER ROTOR WITH BLADES. This is the outer rotor. Eight blades have been used. It could be excessive but will give it a try. This bolts onto the Corolla hub. The magnets are arranged so that a north polarty faces a south ie attracting. Times this by 16 and you have a very strong attraction. CAUTION 1. Be VERY careful when getting these magnets close together. It can cause serious injury. These Neodymium magnets are EXTREMELY powerful

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Coil Construction. Details

Coil construction is the most complex and frustrating part of turbine design. I suspect there are engineers out there who could "work out" what the best design would be but for those like me who can not even understand the complex equations required, trial and error is a better allbeit more time consuming and frustrating way to go.

The points to consider when constucting your coils

  • Always obey Flemings left hand rule
  • Avoid over engineering the design so that the blades will barely rotate

  • Try for a design that gives the voltage you need at a low RPM ie
  • Build a test jig that you can run with a power drill

  • Be aware that the more watts you generate the more heat you generate so more coils allow you to spread that heat

  • Be aware that bigger wire size allows for bigger currents but less voltage due to less turns

      • This is probably the best picture I found on magnet / coil spacing. It is from and it is a source of a lot of good information.

      • The key is to ensure that as one magnet exits the coil the other enters. This ensures Felmings law is followed and the currents do not "fight" each other. In fact in this way they compliment each other.

      • We can also see that with this arrangement the inside and outside diameter of the coil is determined by the gap between the magnet.

      • This is the determining factor on how many turns can used. Thicker wire = less turns and more current capacity, thinner wire = more turns and more voltage but less current carring capacity.

      Another good site is

      It shows how the magnets interact with the coils to provide the best output.

      Now the problem comes with calculating the placement of the magnets so that they obey all the rules.

      The picture on the left is a result of much thought and some time spent with my maths teacher brother.

      It is propbably the most crucial information you will need.

      After you have determined how many magnet you will use you will need to know where to place them from an angular perspective.

      In my case 16 magnets divided by 360 degrees gives 22.5 degree spacing.

      But where to place the magnets relative to the centre of disk is crucial. The further out, the further apart, closer in, closer together.

      They have to be placed exactly or your turbine will not run. I can not stress this enough. I have three prototypes that all failed because I did not follow this setup EXACTLY.

      This applies if you have round, square or oblong magnets.

      Back to the picture. In my case my magnets are 30mm in diameter, the coils are mounted on a bobbin with a hole in the centre of 30mm and an outside diameter of 50mm. This means there is 10mm of coil on each side of the magnet. See picture.

      To ensure therefore that one magnet leaves the centre just as the next is entering the coil we need the magnet centres 40mm apart. ( Half magnet diameter of 15mm x 2 for each magnet plus 10mm gap). See picture.

      How do we then calculate what the radius (half the diameter) needs to be.

      We know the following. Angle between magnets 22.5 degrees, we know the magnets have to be 40mm apart. So using the above picture, we can draw a line down the centre of the triangle, giving us a right angle. The degrees are halved to 11.25 and the gap goes from 40mm to 20mm.

      Now all we need to do is calculate the hypotenuse ( and that will be our radius. If we call the hypotenuse x, then x=20/Sin 11.25 (trust me)

      Go to the Windows calculator and "View" Scientific (yes it has a scientific calculator!) and you should get the answer 102.559

      To this we then add the radius of the magent ie 15mm and we get an outside diameter of 117.5mm. Subtract 15mm and get inside diameter

      If we then draw this circumference in your metal disk and place your magnets, they will be correctly placed.

      Wire size.

      Now a bit of work is needed on test jig to find the thickest wire you can use that not only fits between the magnet gap (10mm) but also generates the voltage you need ie 14 Volts, 28 Volts or even 50 Volts at a reasonable rotation speed. Note the extra volts are needed as 12 Volt batteries are in fact 13.8 Volts and you need to charge them to say 14VDC.

      Another consideration is wiring of the coils together. There are two ways, star or delta. You can look these up on the net but I used star as it provides higher output at lower RPM. Delta perfoms better at higher RPM. This chart is from another great sourc of information.

      My Setup

      This is my test jig. Pretty basic. Bottom rotor, 4mm MDF sheet, top rotor and a bit of wood with a bolt through it to attach a drill.

      The wound coils were simply stuck to the MDF with Super Glue. I used 3 multimeters, 1 for current, 1 for volts and a 3rd to measure RPM. This meter had a Hertz setting so I simply tapped off one of the coils. Note: You have to adjust the hertz reading for the number of magnets. With 16 magnets you get 8 pulses pulses per revolution. So in my case I needed to divide the hertz reading by 8 to get the correct RPM.

      A jig was also made to roll the coils. This was two circular pieces of 4mm MDF slightly larger than the coils and a bolt through them that sandwiched the coil and connected to the drill.

      Counting turns was far too tedious so I counted one, then unwound it and then used that length as my benchmark. I then measured out 5 equal lengths and wound them on. A couple of turns here or there is not going to matter. It was aprroximately 300 turns.

      I decided to use just one guage of wire as there were too many variables. From the chart at I chose 24 AWG and bought a big industrial roll.

      I won't bore you with the many combinations I tried but in the end I settled for 6 coils wound right to the outer edge of the holder/bobbin ( I used the bobbins from the tape you use to seal water pipes as they were the exact dimensions required ie 30mm ID and 10mm of winding). I figure there is about 300 turns.

      Not very scientific but on the jig it tested OK. A 3 phase solution was decided upon with two coils per phase, total 6 coils.

      What's Next.

      Positioning the coils.

      The next step is to imbed the coils in resin to protect them from the elements. The crucial part of this operation is that the coils are positioned at the right angles AND with the right diameter so that the coils are directly centered with the centre of the magnets.

      I found the best way was to draw accurately on a piece of paper the position of each coil and super glue them in position. This way they are fixed and can not move. It also allows you to wire the centres of each coil while in position. The angle in this case is 360 degrees devided by 5 = 72 degrees apart. The paper is cut in a circle of 250mm diameter. Magnet edge is on a 230mm diameter disk so we add the width of the coil ie 10mm and edge.

      Embedding the coils in resin

      You will see in the picture a pie dish with the position of the coils clearly marked. Simply stick tape the alignment paper to the bottom of the tray. A pie dish is perfect to hold the resin mould. It is metal so the resin does not stick to it and the flat bottom is removable making it easy to remove the mould. Holes for the coil wires can be easily drilled in the side. (Note: make sure these holes are a tight fit with the wire or the resin will dribble out.) They come in various sizes. 280mm was chosen as the outside diameter needs to wider than the rotors to allow the stainless steel rods to attach to it and hold it in position.

      Next another jig needs to be placed in the centre to allow space for the bolts connecting the inner and outer rotors. Back to the pie shop and a circular pie cutter was found to be perfect. The 140mm one was selected but again come in various sizes. To the left is the first layer of clear resin poured 2-3mm thick. The brick keeps a tight enough seal and stops the centre moving.

      The resin mix

      The resin is made up up of two parts, the resin and the hardener. BE WARNED the resin sets at different rates depending on the temperature and the amount of hardener used. I have many tubs of hardened resin that have set well before it was time to pour them in.

      BIG TIP: Have everything ready prior to mixing the resin.

      Two resin mix's were used, one clear or straight resin the other with talcum powder mixed in. The talc is used for two reasons. 1. It allows the more expensive resin to go further and 2. it helps dissipate the heat build up created by the coils. The clear was used in the first 2-3mm layer to see through it to see where to place the coils.

      TIP: The resin / talc mix is 50/50 in weight. Mix these two together THEN add the hardener.

      Here we can see the coils in place and the second layer of resin/talc mix added to cover the top of the coils by 3-4mm. The coil wires can also be seen coming out the sides. Do not add more than is necessary to cover the coils as the thicker the coil assembly the further the coils are from the magnets and believe me, every mm counts. Do not worry too much about the bubbles. These can be sanded out with a sander when the resin is set. Note: if the resin sets too fast the bubbles may not have time to rise to the surface.

      BIG TIP: Err on adding less hardener than more. In fact I would suggest half the recomended amount especially on hot days.

      The removed cast. You can see it is messy and still has the alignment paper attached to the bottom. Simply sand away both top and bottom, being sure not to expose the coils. Note: they look closer to the surface than they are due to the clear resin at the bottom. Once it is out of the pie dish, place it between two flat surfaces larger than the cast and apply a lot of pressure ie several bricks to ensure the cast sets flat. Leave overnight.

      VERY IMPORTANT: See big tip below.

      BIG TIP: Remove the cast before it has hardened completely. If allowed to completely set in the pie dish it will buckle. It expands as it hardens and climbs up the edges of the pie dish. This is a little difficult to judge. Once rubbery, continue to test until it can be removed without cracking. Twist the outer edges of the pie dish to break the seal and assist by pushing the wires through.

      Here we can see the sanded down version of the coil assembly. Some cracks did appear but they were filled with Araldite and sanded back. This picture also shows the coil assembly connected the base (no hub or rotors) with the stainless steel rods. Stainless was used as it is non magnetic. Magnetic bolts were initially used but the rotating magnets were attracted to them causing a ratcheting effect ie preventing it from rotating. Alignment is crucial so that when the hub and rotors are installed, the magnets must past directly over the centre of the coils.

      Sunday, September 25, 2005

      Installing the Turbine

      Well after a long delay I finally got the turbine up on the garage roof.

      In spite of all my previous design advice I over engineered my turbine.

      It became quickly apparent that the design was far too powerful for the blades. Even in a pretty solid breeze, the turbine would not come up to speed due to the resistance of the coils as they tried to generate power. Adding extra resistance to the load helped but it is not a good solution.

      The voltage of a wind turbine is determined by
      1. magnetic strength,
      2. number and thickness of coils and
      3. rotational speed.

      The latter is all we can control. Unless of course we redesign the turbine.

      It is important to understand that voltage is very important, in fact even more important than power (current). Without the required voltage, batteries simply can not be charged. Lead acid batteries need a minimum of 2.25V DC per cell to charge. Times six = 13.5 Volts minimum to charge a 12v lead acid battery. Below that nothing happens. No charging, nothing.

      Most literature suggests that you charge a battery to 14V DC so you need at least that and a bit more for overhead with a control circuit to switch off charging when say 14v DC is reached.

      I decided to approach the problem differently. I could increase blade size/diameter or even make another set of coils or even remove half the magnets.

      But why not use the over engineered turbine to our advantage.

      We found that by running all coils (five) it was too much for the blades to rotate but it did provide great protection against high winds by providing a high level of braking.

      If we could engage coils depending on wind speed than we could maintain our voltage and bring in coils as the wind increased to provide more power.

      This would need a small PIC computer to control it but if it worked would be a great solution.

      But first to test. Originally I had the bridge rectifiers mounted behind the turbine and passed one heavy wire down the centre of the turbine. This was + Positive. I connected the - Negative to the turbine at the top and used the tower as my ground.

      I have now cut the connection from the coils to the rectifiers and connected a wire to each coil (5) and ran the five wires down the centre of the turbine.

      I then built a rig that would allow me to switch in and out manually each of the coils.

      Have a look at the rig. I had an old bit of aluminium lying around (old tail fin) so I cut some holes for lights and switches.

      I used 50W downlights as loads, each pair in series to allow for 24v DC.

      I ran coils 1 and 2 straight to a bridge rectifier and into the "Normal load" of two lights in series. ie 24 v and 100W

      I then had a switch for the three remaining coils which I could switch to a bridge rectifier and
      then onto the load individually.

      I included a fourth switch that switched in the second set of lights in parallel . This would effectevely halved the resistance and doubled the load. i.e. a good brake.

      See the back of the control board. Wires from coils to switches, switches to rectifiers and output or rectifiers all common to plus Volts and ground (blue). Aligator clips on AC input of first coil to measure Hertz or RPM.

      RPM needs to be devided by 8 as there 16 magnets giving 8 cycls per revolution.